AOBOS Bulletin Board

The Bulletin Board will be a means for the Board to highlight and explain its current activities, introduce new members, and identify any changes that may occur in the certification process. We will use this page to keep the Board Calendar current, and to remind you of the deadlines that exist for the various applications. The Bulletin Board will be updated quarterly.

In October 1996 the Board published a revised Handbook for Candidates for Board Certification. This is the CURRENT edition that we are using. If it is NOT the one you are using, contact Kay Rittenhouse.

Peter B. Ajluni, D.O. 's term as a Board member has expired, He will be replaced by Stephen Heitoff, D.O. {Board members serve a 3 year term and are eligible for 2 additional terms, total 9 years. Board members are appointed regionally.}

DEADLINE for Application for Clinical Exam - February 15

There are always questions about preparation for the logs for the clinical exam and the numbers of cases necessary to apply for the exam. Please contact the BOARD through Kay or contact a Board member directly if you have ANY questions. A Board member will review all the documents you submit and total all the cases from your log.